Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Personal Response: Chapter 1 (Raquel)

My personal opinion about the friendship of George and Lennie is that they have a pretty strong friendship.  In seeing the way George talks to Lennie I would have thought that he would of left him alone to go his own way. But no, I was wrong. George continued to put up with him after Lennie had made both of them loose their jobs and  they also had to run away plenty of times. They have had no luck on finding a place to stay or being able to eat comfortably because of Lennie. I think that it would be a good idea if George left Lennie, but only at a place Lennie could be safe. I think that the two men have a strong friendship because maybe they have been together or known each other for a long time.  They haven’t separated since then and I think that would be the reason they haven’t separated now. I do like the friendship that the two men have with each other, but Lennie could try to understand how important having a job is at those difficult times.  Maybe then, George wouldn’t be so angry all the time. George should also try to understand that Lennie can be a bit difficult some times because of his mental illness. George should go easy on him from time to time. Other than the problems, they have a really strong friendship that I think could last sometime.


  1. Very nice opinion piece. You weigh both sides of their friendship and explored the difficulties in it. Next time, go back to your text and use quotations to back up your opinions. That will help strengthen your argument even more. Good work.

  2. Great Job !!! I Like How You Exressed Your Opinion, And It Sounds Like You Were Honest. :)

  3. Nice writing...Quotations are critical for sure to support your work as Mrs. B said.

    A question I have for you is...Is there really any safe place for Lennie?
