Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Lennie's Journal: My Mouse (Sofia)

Oh, I can’t believe that George made me throw away my mouse. I Loved That Mouse So Much, even though it was dead. I only had it for a little bit, but I fell in love with it. I just can't believe it happened. Now I have to find another one just like it. I think George is mad at me now. I should’ve never said anything about the ketchup. Now he is going to make me go up the hill and live in a cave. I don’t know what I am going to do I just love mice and I don’t want George to be mad and leave me. I love George just like I love mice. I just don’t know what I do to the mice to kill them. All I want to do is pet them and feel their fur. Just like that girl from Weed. I just wanted to feel her dress but she wanted to ran so I grabbed her. I don’t remember what else happened. I just want to find a nice job so that George and I are able to have a farm with a lot of mice and a lot of rabbits. A dog would be great too. Then we can have a lot of fun running around and catching furry stuff then keeping them and George will not have to work a lot anymore. We can all just be happy, happy forever.


  1. Good job on taking on Lennie's point of view! You were the only one that did. You did a great job in capturing the essence of him. You really found his voice and made a realistic piece. I loved the line, "I love George just like I love mice." It really captured the simplicity of Lennie's thinking. Everybody was afraid to take on his voice because it takes a skilled author to make him realistic, and not just stupid or to0 childlike. Great job!

  2. Thanks Well You Said To Take Over Their Point Of View.
