Monday, October 24, 2011

Personal Response: Farming in the Depression (Kenneth)

“Farming during The “Great” depression was one of the most difficult times the world has seen. Farmers not only faced an epic slow down of historic proportions, but they also went through one of the toughest droughts in America’s history. People and farmers around the world had no money to plant, buy, or even harvest crops. if i couldn't grow plants, i would try and look for animals other than try and buying them. People couldn’t buy animals that the farmers had and for that same reason a lot of farmers lost their farms. if i couldn't sell animals i would either let them lose so people can catch them or give them to big family's that really needed it. Many people moved west to go looking for jobs that they can find and work for. Many people became migrant farm laborers on the West Coast.
“The economic depression of the 1930s was longer and harder than any other in American history because it was followed by one of the longest and hardest droughts on record.” If I lived through that time I think I wouldn’t know what to do but look for water and I think I wouldn’t live long through the hot weather. I think it can probably happen again but not as hot or dry as it was then. The drought made the depression worse, especially in the Great Plains. “The “Great” Depression was hit almost ever where in the U.S. and an international disaster, but the Plains were hardest hit. if i lived in the great plains i think it would of been very hard to live and look for food plants and especially for water. The people and farmers couldn’t grow any crops. No crops meant that the wind blew bare soil high in the air creating dust storms. if i couldn't grow any crops or any type of food i wouldn't know what to do. "Some farmers, where in trouble because of the bad economy, were forced to give up and move out of the plains looking for work.” i think i would of moved before i was forced to, because i think it would of been a good choice other than to risk dying or having no water.

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