Wednesday, October 5, 2011

George's Journal: The girl in Weed (Edwin)

Oh that Lennie, I know that I should take care of him.  I told his aunt I would. If I don’t he will surly starve, but he just holds me back to much. In Weed we had it going. We had jobs and place live, but then Lennie had to go and ruin it. I know he doesn’t mean to do these things, but life would be so much easier with out him. Lennie like a simple minded child. He just liked the feel and the texture of that girl’s dress. How in the world was that girl going to know that? I don’t blame her for what she did. A big full grown forty-year old man was feeling her dress and liking it ever so much. She didn’t like it and tried to get away. Lennie didn’t know the girl was uncomfortable, and he just wanted to feel her dress so he grabbed her. She started screaming and panicking. This gathered attention from everywhere. I told Lennie to let her go. Then we have to go and hide because a big angry mob that thought Lennie was attacking that girl, is looking for us. That is why we have to leave Weed and start all over somewhere else.


  1. Great inference in filling in the details about what happened in Weed. You give George a very natural voice,it doesn't seemed forced or as if you are trying to fill space. I also like how you voiced the internal struggle that George seems to deal with-- he very much seems to be weighing the pros and cons of Lennie.

  2. The Short Inference Sounds Great. but there is some word you have that doesnt make it seem in the past. one of them was "have" . other than that it was really good deatailed and everything,

  3. It Sounds Gudd! Jus Need To Work On Spellinq!=) Ohk! But It Made A Gudd Voice!=)


  5. Good Job !
    You gave a lot of detail & put effort into this. I really like how George talks his feelings about Lennie.
    You just have some spelling errors. Some words are where they are not suppose to be.
