Tuesday, September 30, 2014

teen pregancy at wyandotte

From my perspective teens pregnancy at Wyandotte is at a low and teen pregnancy is at a rise in the 2010 about 1000 teens give birth to 1 child. 15-19 give to birth and had a abortion more than once.  21.6% out of hundred are Indian/native giving birth. 20.9% out of hundred are Hispanics give birth to more than 1 child and 20.4% out of hundred are African American giving birth to 1 or more kids. 15-17 obtain 6% of abortion and 19 year old girls obtain 11% of abortion and teen under 15 years old have 0.4% out of hundred. more than half of these girls never get married and leaves the baby in foster home or leaves them with there parents. but the teen pregnancy has gone down from the past it has gone down from 76% to 72%.

Monday, September 29, 2014

jhoana lopez challenges blog 1

Challenges Blog 1
Jhoana Lopez
Block 2A

Teen pregnancy isn’t the biggest problem facing teens at Wyandotte because teens face many things that are worst than teen pregnancy. The consequences of having a baby while young are that its too much for them having to take care of the baby and staying in school and some teen girls have to work to be able to give there babies what they need. And some other consequences are that “there are health risks for the baby and children born to teenage mothers are more likely to suffer health, social, and emotional problems than children born to older mothers.” (Stanley J. Swierzewski, III, M.D.) The challenges that this parents face are that they have to be responsible for there babies and to stay in school and some of them drop out of school because they cant take care of their baby and go to school at the same time and some of them have to work because the teens parents wouldn’t help them out. “Teenage pregnancy is a serious social problem. According to the March of Dimes, about three in 10 teenage girls become pregnant before the age of 20. While many of these pregnancies end in abortion or adoption, teen girls who do decide to keep their babies face many challenges. Although less is known about teen fathers, research indicates that they, too, face problems associated with being parents.”(Meghan Slocum) Some of the male teens do take responsibility for their actions and do take responsibility for the baby but some don’t some boy teens just let the girl take all of the responsibility for the baby. “As Father’s Day approaches, it may be time to rethink the question of a father’s rights and responsibilities, to take some of our most cherished and unexamined slogans and see if they are fair. (This is a dangerous prospect: Obviously there is a reason that we cherish and don’t examine our slogans.) Take for instance the idea of “a woman’s right to choose.” I believe absolutely that a woman should decide whether to terminate or go forward with a pregnancy. The man’s opinion is only secondary, and if there is a conflict, entirely negligible.”( Katie Roiphe). Most of the time when a girl gets pregnant the boy doesn’t take responsibility for the baby and they just let the girl handle it by themselves but there are times when the boy does that responsibility for the baby and does help the girl and doesn’t just let her handle everything bye herself. I think that in a relationship when a girl gets pregnant I think that both the girl and the boy should take responsibility for the baby and not just the girl.

Blog: Who do you think has a harder time as a teen, girls or guys?

Tanya Franco
Block 2A

Blog: Who do you think has a harder time as a teen, girls or guys?

In my opinion girls have a more difficult time then guys as a teen. Girls have a lot to go through as a young adult. Girls start their period as a teen. They also have more worries if they are sexually active. Unlike guys girls have to worry about getting pregnant. Some girls are very insecure about almost everything. For example, their body, the way they dress, the way they look, and the way they wear make up or not. Once girls start getting their womanly bodies guys and men start noticing and seeing them as sexual objects. Girls start to have going out to certain places cause there are always some disgusting pervert standing there looking as you like if they’re getting ready to kidnap you. Then there is always some old man hitting on you while you’re minding your own business. Girls are way more sensitive than guys, they start getting sad and mad more easily. Most girls don’t even realize what is going on with their bodies and they get worried. Many girls when they become a teen they start getting Acne and their looks start changing as well as guys, but some girls don’t go through the process as fast as others. Unlike guys, girls have a week of cramps and uncomfortable days to go through each month. According to teen help “The main rise in the teen pregnancy rate is among girls younger than 15.” ("Teen Pregnancy Statistics and Teen Pregnancy Facts," Family First Aid. [Online.])

teen pregnecy


I think that teen pregnancy is one of the biggest issue in Wyandotte high school because there are a lot of girls pregnant in this school. When girls get pregnant they sometimes leave school to take care of their babies. Some girls do abortion. Or they give their kids away to other people.

een pregnacy

Teen pregnacy

Is teen pregnancy the biggest issue at Wyandotte? I think that teen pregnancy is one of the biggest problems here at Wyandotte. Because when teens get pregnant they got to worry about falling behind in school. Or they have to worry about the father leaving or what the parents going to say. Also both the teen parents have to take care of the baby not the parents of the teen. Because if they did it then it’s their responsibility but the parents of the teen can help out with the baby. And the father has to be their to support the teen mom the whole time. For example, there are health risks for the baby and children born to teenage mothers are more likely to suffer health, social, and emotional problems than children born to older mothers.  On the page Health Communities, Author Stanley J. Swierzewski, III, M.D. said,For example, there are health risks for the baby and children born to teenage mothers are more likely to suffer health, social, and emotional problems than children born to older mothers” (Swierzewski).

Teen Pregnancy

Yes teen pregnancy is the biggest issue facing teens at Wyandotte because you see like some pregnant girls.  The consequences of having babies while young is that you have to worry about taking care of the kid and worry about what you also have to do in school to be successful. They also have to face what there parents have to say about her and when she has to tell them that they have a baby. I think that teen mothers and fathers do not have equal responsibility. They do not have equal responsibility because sometimes the mother has to worry more because what if the father leaves the mother because he doesn’t want to take care of the kid. I also think that if the father doesn’t leave her and they really love each other and wanted to have the baby they will have equal responsibility’s to take care of their kid because they wanted to have it so they have to take care of the baby. But also the male has it easier because they can just leave if they don’t want to have to Raised the baby and it’s harder for the female to the leave the male to take care of the baby by himself. In the end I do think that teen pregnancy is the biggest issue facing teens at Wyandotte High School.

          Teen Pregancy
            Some of the biggest issues that girls face that are pregnant in Wyandotte is that people look at them and they have to get stares from guys and other girls. Teen pregnancy is somewhat the biggest issue they face at Wyandotte cause like they only thing teens face is people thing stuff about them that there this and that and they talk stuff behind there backs. Some of the consequences of having a baby while being young is that they have to take care of the baby while still in school and they have to face there parents.
          Kansas city faces a lot of these pregnant teens cause throughout most high schools you see a lot of teens that are pregnant either as a single mother or with a partner. Some of the things that teens being pregnant have affected us is that there’s now as low as 39 births per 1000 teens ages 15 trough 19. Most teens today at Wyandotte are 15 or 16 and pregnant. Some of the parents do take equal responsibility and sometimes they don’t cause some parents will not give there kids advice and wont help them when they need it. Males sometimes do have it easier but sometimes not cause they can get a teen pregnant and leave them but still have child support or they can work something out. Most teen moms today are single and have kids cause they didn’t take care of them self’s and that’s some of the problems that Wyandotte teen girls have faced cause they have sex without being careful. Teens today are pregnant in most high schools in Kansas City KS cause their parents don’t talk to them or they think they wont get pregnant.
             In conclusion in Kansas city KS and other states throughout the united states have been facing teen pregnancy because no one guides them or talks to them and Wyandotte has been facing this cause teens think sex is for fun and just to have a good time when they don’t know what can happen. Also teens have to face consequences cause they have to decide what your gonna do with Ur life.

teen pregnancy

I think that teen pregnancy is not a big issue in Wyandotte high school. What I think is that if girls are getting pregnant as a teen I think that the consequences of having that baby is that they can’t finish high school because they have to take care of there babies and maybe they have no one to take care of them while they go to school. I also think that if they are going to have a baby they should know how to take care of them and buy everything they need to take care of the baby like food diapers and medicine incase the baby gets sick and blankets clothes and bottles for they baby. They should also have used protection if they did not want to get pregnant or they should just have not done anything that they would regret. Also when teen girls have a baby or get pregnant sometimes there boyfriend leaves them because he probably didn’t want a baby and he leaves the girl and the girl does not know what to do or think because she did not take care of herself and was not thinking what could have happened when she made her decision. So what I think is that a girl should rather use protection or not do anything she is going to regret later. At the end I believe that teen pregnancy is not a problem at Wyandotte high school.


            Teen Pregnancy isn’t the biggest problem or issue at Wyandotte. The consequences of having a baby as a teen are the father might not be willing to take care of the baby. The teen may become a high school dropout. In wiki, it states that “There’s a 38% chance that they will finish school as a teen parent”, but also it could be health risk for the baby and children born to teenagers. Kids from younger mothers are more likely to suffer health social, and emotional problems than children born to older mothers. 1 of the everyday challenges a teen that’s pregnant would have is being able to socialize. Women who become pregnant during their teen age are at increased risk for medical complications such as premature labor and social consequences. Their babies are more likely to experience premature birth low birth weight or other major health problems. Also teens that are pregnant have a harder time at school that’s why many of them drop out Only 40 percent of teen moms who give birth at age 17 or earlier finish high school. Teen dads some times don’t take responsibility Eight out of 10 teen dads don’t marry the mother of their child.  A lot of teen dads usually don’t pay their child support. Teenage mothers are at a greater risk to drop out of school than their non-parenting classmates. “Approximately 440,000 babies are born to teenage mothers each year in the US.Some study’s shows that people who have children in their teens are less likely to get a high school diploma or go on to college then those who don’t have kids as teens. They also make less money in the working world (according to the web page Wikipedia)

Teen Pregnancy

I wouldn’t say that pregnancy is the biggest issue, but it is an issue.  We have a numerous number of teens here , to the point where we have a “Teen Mom” program. Our teen moms get treated no different then another student here. There are many consequences of being a young pregnant teen. Being a pregnant teen you can’t take care of a child, if your still a child your self. That is one of the many challenges teens face at getting pregnant so young. Most teens aren’t ready to be a parent when they get pregnant. Their unprepared and don’t have any skills in being a parent. No one may know the struggle of being a teen parent until they become one. Teens mostly try to take the easy way out of things, but there is no easy way in taking care of a child. Once you become a parent it isn’t about your needs anymore, it’s all about the child’s. I do think that both parents have equal responsibility, but the father doesn’t take on all of his responsibilities. Because the child belongs to both of the parents they both have the same responsibilities, but most fathers don think that way, so they have it the easy way. There are some fathers out there that take on as much responsibility as the mother. When that happens it makes a better home for the child.

Teen Pregnancy (Van Sakamoto)

√an ßawi Lian San
Write a blog post on one the following topics.
Is teen pregnancy the biggest issue facing teens at Wyandotte? What are the consequences of having babies while young? What are the challenges these parents face? Do the teen mothers and fathers take equal responsibility or do you feel that males have it easier?

I think that teen pregnancy is the biggest issues at Wyandotte because the teen girls are having hard time. According to the dosomething.org website, “Over 750,000 teenage girls got pregnant each year.  Parenthood is the leading reason that teen girls drop out of school. More than 50% of teen mothers never graduate from high school. Aid young parents by starting a Babysitters Club so they can take GED classes. The United States had one of the highest teen pregnancy rates in the western industrialized world.  Less than 2% of teenage moms graduate college” (Do Something).
The consequences of having babies while young are they have to take care of themselves and take care of the babies. They would have to work to get money for the babies. It would be hard for them to study and do the parent jobs at the same time especially teen moms because she has to do the baby things.
The can stay with their parents or they have to find their own house or apartment. The challenges these parents face are they have to learn/study and take care of the babies.     I think they don’t take it equal responsibility, teen mothers take care of the babies. Teen males had it easier. Both teens had the responsibility to take care of the babies. I think the parents have to take care of the babies together, equally because no one had to suffer and do the hard work alone.


Ivan Baca
Block 3


The girls have it have difficult because they go through problems like pregnancy getting on their days and other stuff. They don’t understand that they have periods and they get annoyed fast and mad. They don’t understand that being responsible is hard but it really is because you would have to pay bills and then pay for food and also a long day of work. But sooner or later everyone will have to man up and be responsible.

No there’s no issue everything is like the same. It weed, drug and sex. There’s not really a problem there’s really nothing nobody can do because drugs plants sex will never stop its all over the world. You will have to go to work and school. Then they will have to work for his child so he can have a clothing, food and then a house to live. The challenges are that they can’t do what they want like have fun or go out to places with their friends. I feel like they have the same because the man has to work and the lady has to stay at home and clean and take care of the child. It a gang problem because that’s what making them fight with gun. And the guns are problem to because the gangsters fight each other to the death. I agree that gangs are the problems.