Wednesday, January 23, 2013

What Had Happen Was That The Wimps Were Bullying Priscilla's Best Friend And Priscilla Wasn't Feeling Happy About It So She Grabbed The Wimp And Shoved Him In A Locker. Also He Might Of Been Scared Because He Was In There For Almost 2 Weeks He Could Of Been Hungry Or Thirsty. The Lesson He Learned Was That He Shouldn't Bully Anyone Anymore.

Friday, January 18, 2013


I think family and friends shouldn’t have the right to choose whom you should love. They can suggest all they want but if I don’t like nor love them at all, I wont waist my time to be with him.  Mostly since they are just going to be with me because my family gives them money, its like they’re just using me. Which I don’t like, because they won’t care about me at all. I want to be with someone who loves me and is not doing this just for money and that I love him as well and who will care for me.
            I think society has changed a lot from back them. People use to choose whom you had to marry and you had no say in it. You were your parent’s property so you had to listen to what they say if not you would have to suffer. They would do something bad like death or something like that and now people marry the person they love and their parents are usually happy for them even if they do not like the person there son or daughter is marring. Now they can’t do something bad to them like death or to become a nun or any of that because it pretty much illegal now.