Monday, October 3, 2011

Persona Response" The "Dream" (Kenia)

I think that it is possible for George and Lennie to have their own land . It might sound somewhat not possible, but if they make it seem worth it, then it will happen. Their Dream is to own an acre land and a shack they can call their own. Any dream can come true if you think positive and never give up. Especially when you have someone too share your dream with, that’s letting you know that someone is going to be supporting you no matter what . Someone who has been with you through bad and good things. A positive and honest person makes it thru life easily and fast. If you’re the negative type of person, in my opinion, I think and BELIEVE that you would struggle and have a difficult time thru you life, making you goals/dreams all go down and not up. Always going to have in mind that nothing is worth it when you know that it is and can be. All dreams can become real . Like Lennie’s and George’s dream. They are not going to give up, and try because they want their own land and is their biggest DREAM . Even though George has problems, well mainly strange feeling towards Lennie , because of the way that he sometime acts. But he never gives up. He's trying and trying he's best. That's how people should be, believe and don't give up.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting post. I believe in staying positive and never allowing anyone to take your dreams from you. Sometimes it can be very hard to stay positive with all the curve balls that life throws your way. Sharing with someone is so critical as you stated. Community is an important part of succeeding. You need to have your pillars of support surround you. We are stronger together than as one. George, no matter how much he wants to, does not give up on Lennie. I think he understands that Lennie cannot stand alone.
    I am you think that by staying positive all the time that it can have an adverse impact on achieving your dream?
