Friday, October 21, 2011

Personal Response: The Dust Bowl (Kenia)

I think the people in this time went through a lot of depression. It was taking their lives away. Once again, I think it wasn’t fair what they went through it at all. Their lives mainly changed because they gave everything they had to survive . It was a difficult moment for them. Some people decided too move on to other cities, some even moved West. They started and moved on into a new life that was waiting for them. They didn’t have much, but the most important thing was their relatives. Many of them migrated from Oklahoma. The article said they were called, “Okies” in the popular press.

I believe it was a great process. Honestly, if I was in their place I would have understand all of the depression. Especially not having much too gives or take. But as a matter of fact, I know that life keeps going no matter what. Always keep your head up and never give up . Maybe later on there will be  something better for you in your Life. Its more like of an experience, well I would have taken it like that. Well maybe, I think it can happen it again , but not in Kansas City. Probably in another place or country. Hopefully it won't happen because I believe it would take peoples lives apart . Too much depression . It would change a lot of lives. I can hardly imagine .  The article said,  "As the "double whammy" of drought and depression deepened on the Great Plains, more and more farmers gave up or were forced off of their land. In addition, the relentless march of new tractors meant that the farmers who were able to scrape together enough money to buy a tractor could buy out their neighbors. Fewer farmers could farm more land. But where would those who left go".


  1. good. try telling the dust bowl days like if you where living it.

  2. Good. But, yes I agree with Blue. Try telling them as if you were living in that time period.
