Thursday, November 15, 2012

napolen complex

How do I feel about the napoleon complex is that is is kinda true because I seen in movies and I think it could be true. Do I believe that its true yes I do believe that its true because like if I was short I would pick on people bigger than me so I can feel big. Do I know somebody like this no I dont know somebody like this. The way this complex relates to curley is because he is always picking on lennie because he is bigger than him. Some other things is like if I was short I wouldn’t want to get pick on by people bigger than me. I would want to feel good and make my self feel superior and bigger than I really am. I would do stuff that would make me feel good like football and wrestling that would make me kind of big and more manly. I would also do other things like drive big truck and play football with out pads and wrestle people bigger than me. I would feel like can accomplish stuff that probably any other little person couldn’t do. But in curley’s case he picked on people for no reason like if they were bigger than him he. Thought they were a threat and he wanted to show them that he was not small or week. He wanted to be seen or known and the little person that is not weak. He also wanted to be known and the bosses son and he didn’t want anybody messing with his wife so he fought and pick on people bigger than him so. He didn’t get pick on or thought of as if he was weak.

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