Monday, October 7, 2013

Dark Side of Sports (James)

           I don’t think professional sports players should take drugs to make them do better. Well yea you think you would get more money for doing better but is it worth risking your life just so you can do better at a sport, think do you think its worth it? Athletes play a pretty big role in society. They are entertainment for many sports fans and I don’t think their fans would like to see them end up with some kind of sickness or something. Some ways my country does think sports are too important because it’s a big thing and a lot of sports have been around for a while but that doesn’t mean its ok to do drugs to enhance your sport skills. Sometimes I do think they put athletes above us because they are richer and famous and have a lot of fans so they think they are better than most of us, I don’t really think its fair though because they get paid and a lot of attention because they take drugs so that they can get better at a sport, its basically cheating like if a model used Photoshop to make themselves look flawless. If they want to risk their lives just so they can do better that’s their choice but if I was a famous athlete I would think twice about taking them.

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