Monday, October 24, 2011

Personal Response: Okies (Evelin)

Well What I think about the Napoleon Complex is that it’s Stupid and self-focused and jealousy and selfish. There is a reason why a person says those type of comments and most of the time is because they can NOT look the same or jealous of what they can accomplish. I don’t get the point of saying those comments because by saying them you are not going to get anything from it. I do not believe in those type of comments because I really don’t care of what other people think about me or what they say. I am me and I live my life the way I want. Even though I’ve known other people that are like that, that enjoy saying those hurtful comments to other people, I really still don’t believe in those type of comments at all. They cause me and other people many problems between friends and family. People stop talking to other people, that’s where people start to fight just because of rumors. Those rumors make a line dividing there friendship in half, and makes people either think of commit suicide or those people end up hurting themselves in some way. This relates to Curley because he is a short guy and Lennie is a tall guy and he hurts Lennies feelings by making cruel comments and pushing him around just because of his size And His Mentally Illness. Most of the time something that some people would say is: “… but look at her shoes. Ugh. She’s got no fashion sense.” Is not good when other people judge and make non-sense comments bout other people.


  1. Why Do You Have This Opinion? What Side Are You In.

  2. I like the way you wrote out your opinions . The way you added all of the details needed.
