Thursday, November 7, 2013

Teen Drug Use (James)

I do think drugs and alcohol is a problem to teens because a lot of deaths are caused by them and it can affect your life and your family by doing them. A lot of kids end up doing drugs or drinking because their friends put them under peer pressure and they end up doing them or drinking. Its not really part of growing up because i mean you don't need alcohol or drugs to grow up but some people stress a lot and claim they need drugs or alcohol but you really don't you just think you do. A lot of teens are dying because of drunk driving or driving under the influence. A lot of people think doing a drug one time isn't bad but then you get addicted and you start doing it more and more then before you realize it you ruined your life and start getting introduced to new drugs and then from there you just start dying slowly. Alcohol can affect the brain and the way it thinks, it can affect your heart to you can have a higher chance of having a stroke and it can raise your blood pressure and it can also increase risk of developing certain cancers, it can also affect your liver and affect your pancreas.

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