Friday, September 27, 2013

Performance Enhancing Drugs (Adrian)

 I think performance enhancing drugs are pretty dumb is just a cheat to get the body you want without even working hard for it. They can also cause anger and mood swings so it just makes it even worse to take them. I think athletes should not be allowed to take them. The reason I think athletes should not take the drugs is because when a young fan see’s them they want to be just like that so they will end up taking the drugs as well and before they know it there mad and depressed and they might not be able to get off the drug.
 The book I am reading is about this young freshmen in high school and he wants to be the best runner back in the team so he starts to take steroids and when he takes the drug his friends see him change and don’t want to be with him he is getting strong but is loosing friends he also throws a way a girl that he likes and just chooses the drug over her. His friend tells him that he is acting different and he gets mad and just starts punching him and as he is doing that he notices that he is changing and the drug is taking over his body. But he cant get of the drug because he is so addicted to the power and it ends up ruining his friendship.
  So that’s why I don’t think performance drugs are good because they can really mess you up.

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